Everyone wants to save money on their car insurance. There are thousands of factors that figure into how much someone pays for their car insurance. Your driving record, location, claims history, and how long you have been insured are just to name a few. Here are a few tips and discounts usually available:
1) Defensive Driving: This discount saves you 10% on the liability and collision portion of your insurance for 3 years and it doesn’t matter who you have your car insurance with! If you take the course you get the discount. If you have more than one vehicle you get the discount PER vehicle. If you have more than one driver on your policy and they take the course they get the savings too! Great way to save! You can now also take the course online. Instead of sitting in a classroom most of the day, go to http://www.tiains.com and sign-up it costs less than $40 and you can start and stop it at anytime and have up to 30 days to complete!
2) Multi-policy Discount: If the company you have your car insurance with sells home, mobile home or renters insurance and you take out one of these policies with them, it is very likely that you will receive the multi-policy discount. Erie Insurance offers the multi-policy discount on the home, renters or mobile home and the auto so that’s double the savings! Go to http://www.tiains.com and ask for a free Erie quote to see how much you can save.
3) Youthful Drivers: Do you have a youthful driver on your policy? Erie insurance gives THREE discounts to youthful drivers if they are insured with you on your auto policy. The driver training discount if they took drivers education. The youthful longevity discount, if you and your inexperienced operator are claim and violation free. There is a 16 minute video the youthful drivers can watch online or in one of our three offices from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). Lastly, the college student discount available for part-time or full-time college students away at school with out a vehicle.
4) Multi-vehicle discount: If you have more than one vehicle and insure them together you may be eligible for a multi-vehicle discount. With Erie and with some other companies a snowmobile, four-wheeler, classic car, dune buggy, RV or utility trailer, all qualify!
5) Senior Discount: Most car insurance companies offer senior discounts for drivers over 55.
6) Car Equipment Safety: Most car insurance companies offer discounts for factory installed air bags, anti-theft devices (like alarms) and anti-lock brakes on all four wheels.
7) Safe Driver Discount: Some carriers offer safe driver discounts for no tickets, accidents, or claims in the last 5 years.
We are independent agents and can shop around for you with all 7 of the auto insurance companies we work with – many of them offer property coverage as well. Go to www.tiains.com and get a free quote!
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